Posts Tagged ‘witchcraft’

News & Submissions 5/26/2010

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Native woman recognized as a pioneer in the aviation field
SAN MANUEL, Ariz. – On a sunny spring day in April a small crowd of people gathered at the San Manuel Airport outside of Tucson. They traveled from as far as Colorado and California to attend the two-day Gyrocopter “Fly-in” event.

In attendance was a woman known as the “Gyrocopter Queen,” 81-year-old Marion Springer, a Choctaw pioneer in the rotorcraft – or rotary wing aircraft – industry. The first female certified flight instructor, she has been flying gyrocopters since the late 1960s. REad full story from

Hertfordshire Constabulary recruit two Humanist advisors
In the same week as Pagan police officers were officially recognised by the home office, Hertfordshire police have recruited two Humanist advisors to help support their staff. Read full story from

Listening to Signs from Nature
We are used to thinking about nature as sending “messages” with big things like weather and earthquakes–though we often scoff at the idea as superstition. But there is a whole tradition around the world of looking at the little signs from nature and examining the personal messages that may be there for us. Read full story from

Christian group enters rosary case
A Michigan-based attorney representing the American Center for Law and Justice said he visited Raymond Hosier’s house on Monday to prepare a case against the Schenectady City School District for suspending Raymond from Oneida Middle School because he wore the rosary. Read full story from

The Dalai Lama is wrong
Like the Dalai Lama, who writes of how he was influenced by Thomas Merton, I believe we can learn greatly from other religions. I too hope for tolerance and harmony in our interreligious interactions. I am convinced, however, that true tolerance and lasting harmony must be built on reality, not fantasy. Religious exclusivism is dangerous and naïve. But so too is pretend pluralism. The cause of religious harmony is not advanced in the least by the shibboleth that all religions are different paths up the same mountain. Read full story from

Prosecutors: Witchcraft-fueled murder was premeditated
EVERETT — Prosecutors believe modern witchcraft drove a Gold Bar man to kill his girlfriend, dismember her body and scatter her remains around Snohomish County. Read full story from

Two centuries of non-conformist history go online
The names and details of half a million UK radicals and religious dissenters covering a period of 225 years are available online for the first time. Read full story from

News & Submissins 5/24/2010

Monday, May 24th, 2010

Holy water allegedly sprinkled on atheist teacher
POMPANO BEACH — Two teachers accused of sprinkling holy water onto an avowed atheist colleague have been removed from the classroom, and may be fired. Read full story from

Calif. bill would block Texas textbook changes
SACRAMENTO, Calif.—California may soon take a stand against proposed changes to social studies textbooks ordered by the Texas school board, as a way to prevent them from being incorporated in California texts. Read full story from

You Have The Right To Your Own Religion
There are many religions and faiths in this world. Which one do you wish to choose? Lots of people believe Jesus is God, while others acknowledge him only as The Son of God. If your comfortable in believing that Jesus is God, then you have that right, to feel so. Read full story from

Tribute to Kiva’s sacredness
The cities of Albuquerque, N.M. and El Paso, Texas have erected bronze monuments that glorify a violent time in American Southwest history. Albuquerque’s monument, “La Entrada” (the entrance), was dedicated in May 2005 and placed in front of the Albuquerque Museum of Art in Old Town, N.M. Likewise, the world’s largest bronze monument, the “Equestrian” in El Paso, Texas was dedicated in April 2007 at the El Paso International Airport, under protest by Indian rights groups against honoring a “genocidal conquistador,” Juan de Onate. Read full story from

Shamans use their unique perspectives to seek healing
A group of 20 shamans gather in a circle, bringing totems that connect them with their ancestors and other spirits. They summon these forces with drums, crystals, meditation and song, hoping the energy of the circle transmits vibrations of love and compassion around the globe. Read full story from

Take a tour of the new CNN Belief Blog

Shamans use their unique perspectives to seek healing

News & Submissions 5/14/2010

Friday, May 14th, 2010

Wiccan priestess: “Pagans mean no harm”
Many Livingston Parish residents want to keep a pagan festival from coming to Killian.
But one woman wants to set the “spell-casting” and “devil-worshipping” rumors straight.
Emily Turner sat down with a member of the pagan faith, who says she’s part of a community whos beliefs are far from evil. See Video from

Tolerance of paganism now a symbol of civilized society
A sign that paganism has come of age is that there are now lapsed pagans — heretics who resort to scientific explanations for phenomena formerly attributed to the supernatural. Read full story from

VISITORS to Forfar Loch Country Park have been intrigued by the appearance of a headstone which has been erected in a small clearing.
Inscribed with the words “The Forfar Witches, Just People”, it sits in a simple stone circle and is sheltered beneath a hawthorn tree. Read full story from

Satire is Religion
Scatological humor. Crude drawings mocking revered religious figures. I am speaking, of course, of Lucas Cranach’s Birth and Origin of the Pope, one in a series of woodcuts commissioned by Martin Luther in the 1540s under the title “The True Depiction of the Papacy.” In it, an enormous grinning she-devil squats in the foreground, excreting the Pope along with a heap of bishops while in the background another infant pontiff suckles at the teat of a serpent-haired wet nurse. Read full story from

The Merest Christianity
ARLINGTON, VA – - The lower house of Belgium’s Parliament voted unanimously on April 29 to outlaw full-face veils. The Senate must also pass the measure. Read full story from

Europe Under the Ash
Eyjafjallajokull, that unpronounceable volcano, prompted inevitable chatter about nature’s awesome fury and the inadequacy of human invention to deal with it. Few Europeans had even heard of the volcano before, and they marveled at, but mostly grumbled about, how such widespread havoc could be caused by such teensy particles of ash, adrift from Iceland. On the whole, Europeans tend to forget about Iceland until some fresh calamity compels their attention. The last was the banking implosion, and a line making the rounds in Europe has it that Iceland’s final wish after its economy kicked the bucket was to spread its ashes across Europe. Read full story from

News & Submissions 4/15/2010

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Witches to Open New Museum in Salem, Massachusetts

Salem, MA (PRWEB) April 15, 2010 — Witches opening a new museum in Salem, Massachusetts, aka The Witch City, wouldn’t seem to be newsworthy, as there are many quality museums in the city already. What makes The World of Witches Museum different is that its exhibit will be dealing with real world witches and operated by practicing witches. This Museum will be a place of learning for and about the global Witch movement, and will tell their story. With Witchcraft, Witches, and Wiccan cultures on the rise worldwide, the World of Witches Museum tells the story of their struggles, history, and beliefs from a witch’s point of view. The museum, under its curator Rev. Donald Lewis, will tell the story of Witches from the past, present, and those Witches who are walking among us today. Read full story from

Witch Magick
Did you know that if a witch sees or spots a black cat or black dog that this is a good omen for a witch to see.

A long time ago, black cats wore destroyed as they wore thought to be devils, and this is why the Christians would kill them. Read full story from

Tomb Of Ken-Amun, Royal Scribe, Unearthed In Egypt
Dating to the 19th Dynasty B.C (1315-1201 BC), the burial is the first ever Ramesside-period tomb uncovered in Lower Egypt, Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said on Wednesday. Read full story from

Breaking: Some Psychics May Be Frauds
Last year, psychic to the stars Azra Shafi-Scagliar was convicted of grand larceny. Then a couple of months ago, Sylvia Mitchell of Zena Psychic was accused of tricking her customers into giving her large sums of money by telling them that they needed to cleanse their spirits. Then “psychic investment adviser” Sean Morton was charged by the SEC with fraud. And now, “intuitive” psychic Laura Day is being sued by her ex-boyfriend, Princeton Review founder Adam Robinson, who claims that she manipulated him into writing her best-selling book for her out of “virtually unusable” notes and then used her powers of intuition against him. Read full story from

Rosemary For Remembrance
A sprig of Rosemary worn in the lapel on Anzac Day is a form of remembrance to those who have served this country in times of conflict. In fact, the commonly used phrase is ‘Rosemary for Remembrance.’ Read full story from

Brunswick commissioners may abandon insistence on prayers
The consideration of changing from an opening invocation to a moment of silence comes after a StarNews report on a late-night board meeting in which commissioners vehemently opposed Commissioner Charles Warren’s request to allow outside clergy to pray before the board meetings. Traditionally the commissioners have given the invocation. Read full story from

Massive fireball reported across Midwestern sky
(CNN) — Authorities in several Midwestern states were flooded Wednesday night with reports of a gigantic fireball lighting up the sky, the National Weather Service said. Read full story from

News & Submissions 4/13/2010

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Your Hatred Will Make Me Famous: Making Sense of a Republican Vampire
The aphorism that “politics makes strange bedfellows” gained new meaning last month when self-identified vampire, Satanist, and “Hecate witch” Jonathan “The Impaler” Sharkey announced he would run for president in 2012 as a Republican. Read full story from

New Hilton Village store caters to witches, Pagan culture
Apr 11, 2010 (Daily Press – McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) — As you might suspect in a store called The Magickal Attic, brooms, wands and caldrons decorate the space, waiting to be sold. And the owner, Melissa Kepley, is a witch. Read full story from

Pagans and social justice
While Pagans do not have a set creed or unified code of beliefs, our traditions hold in common the understanding that we are all deeply interconnected, all part of the sacred weave of the world. The Goddess is immanent in this world and in all human beings, and part of our service to the sacred is to honor one another and take care of one another, to fairly share nature’s bounty and to succor one another in facing the hardships of life. We must create justice in this world, not wait for redress of grievances in the next. REad full story from

Finding the right path
A 13-week course offered in New Britain promises to make you a spiritual leader of no particular religion.

Cindy Peto found herself in several religions before finally choosing to start one of her own. Read full story from

Scientists ponder NAGPRA lawsuit
The rule, published March 15 and open for comment for 60 days, is a clarification from the Interior Department to the 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. It states that after appropriate tribal consultation, transfer of culturally unidentifiable remains is to be made to a tribe from whose tribal or aboriginal lands the remains were excavated or removed. Civil penalties are proposed for museums and learning institutions that do not follow the law. Read full story from

News & Submission 4/6/2010

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Former Cherokee Nation Chief Wilma Mankiller dies
TAHLEQUAH, Okla. – Former Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Wilma Mankiller died in the morning hours of April 6 at her home in rural Adair County, Cherokee Nation officials confirmed to the Cherokee Phoenix. Read full story from

April is Disaster Preparedness Month
There’s a reason April is Disaster Preparedness Month: hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, drought, wildfires, disease outbreaks. Are you ready for the unexpected? Read full story from

Cherokee Nation honors three veterans during March council
TAHLEQUAH, Okla. — The Cherokee Nation honored three veterans during its March tribal council meeting, held in Tahlequah. Among them, their careers represent nearly 50 years of service in three separate branches of the military. Read full story from

Witchcraft: affliction or religion?
A Nigerian cleric, Bawa Madaki, was recently arrested and charged with child trafficking. He is accused of exploiting 23 children between the ages of 5 and 20 he claims were brought to him for deliverance from witchcraft. The cleric says Jesus appeared to him on 25 June 2004 and blessed him with the powers to “cure witchcraft”. Read full story from

Witch-hunts then – and now
Anyone who thinks that witchcraft belongs only to our past and imaginations should think again. Tens of thousands of people were executed as diabolists between the 15th and 18th centuries, an episode that for many signifies an age of ignorance and intolerance from which the Enlightenment saved us. There’s some truth in this. And yet much of the world still believes in witches, their supernatural powers and malevolent intentions. And all too often the accused are abused and ostracised, or tortured and killed. Read full story from

Pagan club Gaia’s Titans brings religious diversity to campus
“An it harm none, do as you will,” is the golden rule of the Wiccan faith, said Hayley Arrington, 25, anthropology major and founder of Gaia’s Titans, the on-campus Wiccan/Pagan club.

Paganism and Wicca are both Earth-based religions, Arrington said. Wicca specifically involves goddesses, Witchcraft, “magick” and following the rules of karma, she added. Read full story from

New Exhibition Explodes Myth of SS Castle Wewelsburg
Wewelsburg Castle, once a pseudo-religious sanctum for Hitler’s SS, has been shrouded in mystery since 1945. Its echoing crypt and mysterious occult symbols have spawned fantasies of pagan, torch-lit ceremonies held by the murderous brotherhood. A new exhibition at the site aims to dispel such myths — and reflects Germany’s new approach towards explaining its darkest places. Read full story from

News & Submissions 4/1/2010

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Wistful about Wicca
What do you think about Wicca? Does it make you think: “Yikes! Evil witches!” or grounding earth-based ritual or stoned bare-foot hippies or some manner of something in between? Let me know, I am really interested. And don’t hold back. Read full story from

Derry couples seeking Pagan weddings – claim
Raymond MacSuibhne, of the Pagan Federation of Northern Ireland (PFNI), says the peace process has allowed “interest and participation in Paganism” to flourish in Derry and across the North over recent years. Read full story from

Occult dabbling at ancient Gloucestershire well
Wannabe teenage witches are being blamed for sinister signs and symbols springing up around the ancient sacred site at St Anthony’s Well

The spring, which is supposed to have miraculous healing powers and was once used for public baptisms, is becoming a magnet for young people interested in witchcraft. Read full story from

Lawyer: Saudi could behead Lebanese for witchcraft
BEIRUT — The lawyer of a Lebanese TV psychic who was convicted in Saudi Arabia for witchcraft said Thursday her client could be beheaded this week and urged Lebanese and Saudi leaders to help spare his life. Read full story from

Can Science Explain Heaven?
There are those who believe that science will eventually explain everything—including our enduring belief in heaven. The thesis here is very simple: heaven is not a real place, or even a process or a supernatural event. It’s something that happens in your brain as you die. Read full story from

Opposition to online wagering softening
Tribal governments and commercial gambling companies are softening opposition to legalize Internet wagering, although it does not appear likely that pending legislation to permit online poker will be successful in the current session of Congress. Read full story from

Autumn glory lets us count our blessings
Easter was once a pagan spring festival. A time for growth, renewal, rejuvenation, birth, hence the bunnies and eggs as symbols of new life after a time of bleakness or infertility. It’s also the logic of the passion: Christ’s rebirth after death and hopelessness. Read full story from

Why we celebrate easter
Some of the pagan traditions which have been absorbed in Easter include the Easter Bunny, a symbol of fertility, and coloured Easter eggs, originally painted with bright colours to represent the sunlight of spring in the northern hemisphere. Read full story from

Danielle Egnew – “Montgomery House: The Perfect Haunting”

News & Submissions 3/31/2010

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Marine’s Father Ordered To Pay Church’s Court Costs
BALTIMORE –The father of a Marine who died in Iraq and whose funeral was picketed by anti-gay protesters said a court has ordered him to pay the protesters’ appeal costs. Read full story from

Experts: Christian militia part of growing trend
The actions of the Christian militia group raided in Michigan are part of a growing trend of militant activity across the U.S. because of the weak economy and an African-American president, experts and a civil rights group said today. Read full story from

‘Peace, balance and harmony’: Former cop opens New Age shop in Centerville
Now, the former Macon police officer is making a career of being a medium. In January, she opened Energy Among Us, a wellness center in Centerville, offering services ranging from meditation and yoga to crystal healings and card readings. Read full story from

Bahrain plans to make sorcery a criminal offence
The practice of sorcery and witchcraft could be soon become a criminal offence in Bahrain, it was reported on Tuesday Read full story from

The pagan side of Easter
The vast majority of churches will not touch the issue of how Easter got its name, and the ensuing celebration of a so-called Christian holiday with the appearance of cute little rabbits, pastel colored baby chicks, colored (Easter) eggs, the baskets filled with artificial grass and the like. Matter of fact, there are many churches in the U.S. that actually have the children of the congregation and/or the community participate in Easter Egg Hunts, Egg Rolling Contests, and Egg Coloring contests or gatherings. Read full story from

American Mystic Trailer

News & Submissions 10/26/2010

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Millions around the globe set to observe ‘Earth Hour 2010′
Millions of homes around the world are geared up to observe the ‘Earth Hour 2010′ on Saturday, March 27, 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in order to conserve energy and pay attention towards global warming. Read full story from

Albuquerque police and media take steps to learn about Wiccan religion after stabbing
30 year old Angela Stanford has been accused of stabbing a man to death on March 22 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Claiming self-defense, the woman told police that she had taken the man into the woods near a hiking trail to perform what she claims was a Wiccan ritual for spring.  Sanford says when the man sexually assaulted her, she stabbed him with a “Wiccan dagger” to save herself.  Early news reports and statements from police showed a lack of understanding by the media and police force of the Wiccan religion. Read full story from

Spirituality and reincarnation through Wiccan eyes
What is “spirituality?” It’s a great marketing tool for preachers and writers, but it doesn’t have much real meaning for nearly anybody today. The problem is that we don’t understand the relationship between the finite part of ourselves the part that lives and dies and our eternal part. Read full story from

The Episcopal Church, Wiccans, and the Divine Feminine
In this holiest of Christian seasons, on the evening before Passion Sunday, the Cathedral of All Souls Episcopal Church in Asheville, N.C., hosted an event in its parish hall for an organization called The Mother Grove Goddess Temple. The purpose of the event? To celebrate the spring equinox of course. Wait, you say, that’s not Christian, that’s pagan. But there’s more. According to Mother Grove’s website, its mission “is to create and maintain a permanent sanctuary where people of all faith traditions may openly and safely celebrate the Divine Feminine.” According to Byron Ballard, a Wiccan priestess and a member of the temple, Mother Grove “isn’t a Wiccan group, though some of us are Wiccans.” Just in case you were wondering, Ballard goes on to explain that “Wiccans may also refer to themselves as witches.” Read full story from

Witchcraft exists everywhere – even in you
Witchcraft, argues Malcolm Gaskill, PhD, a researcher in early modern history at the University of East Anglia (UEA), leading expert and author in witchcraft, is not a thing of the past or something that only exists in developing nations Read full story from

Judge: Wiccan inmates have no right to sweat lodges, raw meat
CARSON CITY — A federal judge has ruled that prison inmates have no right to sweat lodges and raw meat to practice the Wiccan religion.

U.S. District Judge Philip Pro rejected the civil rights suit of Scott Fletcher, who claimed the federal law on religious rights of prisoners required the prison to provide such things. Read full story from

The Easter Bunny Must Die
Among the peeves I keep as pets, chief is my loathing of the Easter Bunny.  There are many reasons to hate the Bunny.  I will get into why in particular the Bunny, but first to some other pressing business. Read full story from

Police Work With Wicca Community After Stabbing
A self-proclaimed Wicca practitioner and murder suspect faced a judge Wednesday as police try to learn more about the woman’s practices. Read full story from

Religious groups fear ‘witch-hunt’
RELIGIOUS groups fear the Equal Opportunity Bill debated in State Parliament yesterday will launch a witch-hunt against them and schools, forcing some to secularise or disband. Read full story from

30 days of advocacy against Witch-hunts in Africa
The words witch and witchcraft are used predominantly as an accusation throughout Africa, either to describe a number of clearly defined traditional religious practices that do not self-define as witchcraft, as well as a number of variable urban legends perpetuated by religious leaders, churches and traditional healers, or to identify women, children and men who are not actual Witches. Read full story from

News & Submissions 3/19/2010

Friday, March 19th, 2010

TV presenter gets death sentence for ‘sorcery’
(CNN) — Amnesty International is calling on Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah to stop the execution of a Lebanese man sentenced to death for “sorcery.” Read full story from

Asheville Mother Grove Goddess Temple to celebrate spring equinox
ASHEVILLE — After making it through the harsh winter, people in Western North Carolina are looking forward to the warm sun of spring. Some are preparing to celebrate the season’s change with an ecumenical ritual. Read full story from

Towards gaining unique insights
It includes middle-roaders who say science and religion are two sides of the same coin since they both spring from human minds, while tacitly maintaining an eternal edge always separates the sides. And it includes those scientists who see some sort of deep mysterious beauty in the cosmos but remain atheists and religious mystics who shun dogma but retain a personal faith. REad full story from

Checklist: Spring is here, so pet your hares
All you pagan moonchildren will likely be petting your sacred hares this weekend when the vernal equinox rolls in from Spokane on Saturday. Read full story from

Celebrating Spring: The Vernal Egguinox
Since the earliest times, the egg has been humanity’s obvious and essential symbol for the significant atmosphere of the vernal season: birth, fertility, growth, eternity. The purely primal power, which comes from the handling of eggs at the equinox, has been a principle influence on many popular spring ritual practices throughout time and across culture. Read full story from

California first to create position for Native American vets
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – On March 3, Roger Brautigan, director of the California Department of Veteran Affairs (CalVet), swore in Pedro “Pete” Molina, Pascua Yaqui, as the nation’s first assistant secretary for Native American Veterans Affairs. This position was created by the state to oversee the administration of services to Native American veterans in California, which boasts the largest population of American Indian veterans in the country. Read full story from