About PagansWorld.org

Welcome to PagansWorld.org!

This site was designed for those of us that follow an alternative religion/lifestyle no matter what your path may be. The main focus is to bring you daily news, events and information surrounding alternative spirituality.

PagansWorld is a non-profit community dedicated to the research and writing on different religious and communal faiths worldwide and bringing people together to learn of other views and lifestyles. Through our website, Facebook community, and Twitter community we share articles, news, insightful writings, recipes, herbal remedies, and much more. Our community is non-denominational and strives to connect various faiths through our inter-dependency on nature.”

If you would like to contribute articles, videos or artwork, contact us at Pagansworld.org@gmail.com.

Like our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PagansWorld.org

Follow us on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/PagansWorld.

This site is updated daily, so be sure to check back as new information will be added.

Thanks for stopping by,

Lisa & Jen