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The Witchy Moon, Magic, and News

Friday, June 24th, 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016: The moon phase is Waning Gibbous in the zodiac sign Aquarius until entering Pisces at 10:30 PM EST.

Element: Water
Color: Rose
Incense: Orchid (see below for magical uses)

Garden Activities:

  • Kill pests and weed
  • Harvest fruit and root crops
  • Hill up parsnips and carrots
  • Plant out asparagus crowns

Herbal Magic – Orchid

(Orchis spp.)

Folk Names: Levant Salap, Sahlab, Sahleb, Salep, Saloop, Satyrion

Deities: Bacchus, Cronus, Pan

Planet: Venus (Beauty, Fidelity, Friendship, Love, Youth)

Element: Water (Fidelity, Friendship, Healing, Love, Meditation, Prophetic Dreams, Purification, sleep)

Gender: Feminine

Powers: Love, Fertility

Lore: According to legend, Orchis was the son a Satyr and nymph. During a celebration for Bacchanalians he attempted to rape a priestess. Eventually, he was put to death by Bacchanalians. His father prayed to the Gods to give pity on him. Orchis was then given eternal life as this root, which led to the belief that Orchid roots provide a practitioner with the lusty sexuality of  the satyr.

Magical and Ritual Uses:

  • The tuber can be dried and carved into an amulet or talisman for love and romance.
  • The powdered root is considered to be an aphrodisiac.
  • Orchids are ideal for Handfastings.
  • The gift of an orchid puts romantic energy in motion. (It’s been used in the feast or cup for the Great Rite to embody the deities for fertility)


Elderly relatives accused of being WITCHES by their children so they can burn them alive and claim their inheritance
Juma Kalume Musunye’s six grandchildren beat her until she fell to the ground crying, and then doused her in petrol, claiming she had used witchcraft to paralyse their mother’s hands.

‘They wanted to kill me,’ said the 65-year-old widow who lives on Kenya’s coast, where the Mijikenda people traditionally blame witches for illness and misfortune. Read more:

Celebrate the magic of Samhain in Salem.

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  • Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac
  • Llewellyn’s 2016 Moon Sign Book: Conseious Living by the cycles of the moon
  • Catherine Yronwode: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic
  • Paul Beyerl: A Compendium of Herbal Magick
  • Scott Cunningham: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of magical herbs

The Witchy Moon, Magic, and News

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

Thursday, June 23, 2016: The moon phase is Waning Gibbous in the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Element: Air
Color: Turquoise
Incense: Jasmine (see below for magical uses)

Garden Activities:

  • Plow, Cultivate, and weed
  • Harvest fruits and root crops
  • Hill up parsnips and carrots
  • Plant out asparagus crowns

Herbal Magic – Jasmine

(Jasminum officinale, Jamsminum grandiflorum, Jasminum odoratissimum)

Folk Names: Anbar, Jessamin, Moonlight on the Grove, Peot’s Jessamine, Yasmin

Deities: Diana, Vishnu

Planet: Moon (Fertility, Healing, Peace, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep)

Element: Water (Fidelity, Friendship, Healing, Love, Meditation, Prophetic Dreams, Purification, sleep)

Gender: Masculine

Powers: Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams

Photo By snopek

Lore: Jasmine is associated with the feminine and maternal aspect of the Divine Universe. It was held as a sacred herb of Diana of Ephesus, Quan Yin, and the Virgin Mary. Jasmine corresponds well with the High Priestess and the four nine cards in the Tarot.

Magical and Ritual Uses:

  • For Love: Dried Jasmine flowers are added to sachets, charms and incense to attract a spiritual love.
  • For Money: The flowers will bring wealth and money if carried, burned or worn. It’s beautiful aroma is soothing and helps to lift spirits. Dreaming of Jasmine is said to foretell good fortune and good news for lovers.
  • For prophetic dreams: Burn in the bedroom.
  • For Creativity: Store Jasmine and Quartz crystals together to promote new and creative ideas.
  • Use in rituals when you wish to conjure the feminine properties of the Moon.
  • Jasmine is excellent to burn during meditation.
  • Dress and burn a candle with the oil for Psychic protection and health to one’s aura.


Branded witches and cursed by spirits, Kenyan widows ousted from land
NAIROBI, June 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Juma Kalume Musunye’s six grandchildren beat her until she fell to the ground crying, and then doused her in petrol, claiming she had used witchcraft to paralyse their mother’s hands.

“They wanted to kill me,” said the 65-year-old widow who lives on Kenya’s coast, where the Mijikenda people traditionally blame witches for illness and misfortune.

“My son told them I had bewitched his wife.”

Hearing her screams, Musunye’s neighbours rushed out and rescued her.

“I am really bitter,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation ahead of International Widows’ Day on Thursday.

“I am old, my health is not good and my children do not care about me.”

Musunye was speaking by phone from Kaya Godoma, a centre set up in 2008 to care for elderly people ousted by their relatives. Read full story –

Portsmouth medium jailed as a witch for ‘predicting’ sinking of battleship
My recent picture of HMS Barham leaving Portsmouth Harbour in the 1930s reminded Calum Kennedy of the unusual connection between the battleship, Portsmouth and witchcraft.

He recalls that in November 1941 Helen Duncan, a Scottish spiritual medium, held a séance at the Master Temple Psychic Centre, a room above Homers drug store at 301 Copnor Road, Copnor. During the séance Duncan indicated that HMS Barham had been sunk. Read full story –

Thanks for stopping by,



  • Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac
  • Llewellyn’s 2016 Moon Sign Book: Conseious Living by the cycles of the moon
  • Catherine Yronwode: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic
  • Paul Beyerl: A Compendium of Herbal Magick
  • Scott Cunningham: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of magical herbs

The Witchy Moon, Magic, and News

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

Wednesday, June 22, 2016: The moon phase is Waning Gibbous in the zodiac sign Capricorn until entering Aquarius at 4:08 PM EST.


Element: Air
Color: Topaz
Incense: Bay Laurel (see below for magical uses)

Garden Activities:

  • Plow, Cultivate, and weed.
  • Plant onions, potatoes, rhubarb, grapes, winter wheat, and berries.

Herbal Magic – Bay Laurel

(Laurus nobilis) G

Folk Names: Baie, Bay Tree, Daphne, Grecian Laurel, Sweet Bay, Laurel, Laurier d’Apollon, Laurier Sauce Lorbeer, Noble Laurel, Roman Laurel

Deities: Aesculapius, Apollo, Ceres, Faunus, Eros

Planet: Sun (Healing, Legal Matters, Protection)

Element: Fire (Courage, Exorcism, Health, Lust, Strength, Protection)

Gender: Masculine

Powers: Healing, Protection, Psychic Powers, Purification, Strength

Lore: Hermes invented fire by striking a pomegranate against a bay laurel. It is also sacred to Apollo and Zeus.

Magical and Ritual Uses:

  • For Psychic Powers: Burn with Frankincense on charcoal. It can also be placed beneath your pillow for prophetic dreams.
  • For Protection: Carry a Bay leaf in a mojo bag to ward off evil, negativity, and unwanted people. Place around windows and in the attic to prevent lightening. A potted bay is also used to protect against storms and invoking the protection of Apollo. Wearing a wreath of bay is used to conquer one’s fear of thunderstorms.
  • To Remove a Curse or Evil Spirits: Mix with Sandalwood and burn over charcoal.
  • To Attract Love or Romance: Use in a fire sacrifice to the gods. The oil can also be extracted and used to dress a candle which is then burned.
  • For Victory: Take three fresh Bay leaves and write the names of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael on each leaf, then wrap the leaves in white cloth and carry them.


Dabble In Magic Using This Handbook Of Witchcraft
There was a time when choosing to invoke an incantation as a means to an end would get one burnt at the stake. In today’s world, taboos seem to be falling like leaves in autumn. So one need not be fearful any longer when choosing to resort to witchcraft in a time of need.

If the thought of dabbling in witchcraft has piqued your curiosity, you are in luck. There is a new handbook you should find very useful. It is titled Witchcraft: A Handbook of Magic, Spells and Potions. This beautifully bound book includes wonderful illustrations. Read full story –

Thanks for stopping by,



  • Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac
  • Llewellyn’s 2016 Moon Sign Book: Conseious Living by the cycles of the moon
  • Catherine Yronwode: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic
  • Paul Beyerl: A Compendium of Herbal Magick
  • Scott Cunningham: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of magical herbs

The Witchy Moon, Magic, and News

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

Tuesday, June 21, 2016: The moon phase is Waning Gibbous in the zodiac sign Capricorn.

Element: Earth:
Color: Black
Incense: Cinnamon (see below for magical uses)

Garden Activity:

  • Plant potatoes and tubers
  • Trim to retard growth
  • Pick mushrooms
  • Prune to promote healing
  • Mow lawn

Herbal Magic – Cinnamon

Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, C. verum

Folk Names: Ceylon cinnamon, Sweet Wood

Deities: Aphrodite, Venus

Element: Fire (Courage, Exorcism, Health, Lust, Strength, Protection)

Planet: Sun (Healing Legal Matters, Protection)

Power: Healing, Love, Lust, Power, Psychic Powers, Spirituality, Success

Photo by Dennis Brekke

Lore: Cinnamon was burned to purify temples in ancient China. It also promotes health, vigor and libido.

Magical and Ritual Uses:

  • For Love: Add to oils, powders, and mojo bags.
  • Cleansing Incense: Mix with Frankincense, Myrrh, Camphor, and Sandalwood, burn every day for 14 days to purify your home. The insencse can also be used to smudge the body or gifts received from unknown parties or the dead.
  • To Draw money: Place three Cinnamon sticks with Fast Luck oil in a green bag, add Nutmeg with money drawing oils. Place in an amulet for good fortune
  • When burned as an Incense: Aids in healing, concentration, high spiritual vibrations, stimulates psychic powers, and enhances protective vibrations.


Summer solstice events and pagan sites around Britain
The summer solstice festival continues until June 21 on the campsite set closest to Stonehenge, and visitors can enjoy free access to the sacred site to celebrate the summer solstice from tonight at 7pm until 8am tomorrow (sunrise will be at 4.45am). Offerings include various food stands, a real ale bar and cider festival, as well as fire twisters and musical entertainment by night. Read full story –

On the Summer Solstice, it’s not just neo-pagans like me who should be reconnecting with the natural world
We have a deep and undeniable relationship with nature – from the fact that our bodies naturally wake up when they see sunlight, to our tendency and need to live beside water, to the spooky fact that the menstrual cycle is the same length as the lunar month. Read full story –

French woman accused of murdering daughter on beach blames witchcraft
A French woman who left her baby daughter to drown on a beach blamed “witchcraft” when she went on trial for murder on Monday.

Fabienne Kabou, 39, who was described as having “remarkable intelligence … but subject to irrational beliefs”, travelled to Berck-sur-Mer with her only child, Adélaïde, in November 2013. Read full story - theguardian

Thanks for stopping by,



  • Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac
  • Llewellyn’s 2016 Moon Sign Book: Conseious Living by the cycles of the moon
  • Catherine Yronwode: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic
  • Paul Beyerl: A Compendium of Herbal Magick
  • Scott Cunningham: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of magical herbs

The Witchy Moon, Magic, and News

Monday, June 20th, 2016

Happy Summer Solstice/Litha to all in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Winter Solstice/Yule to all in the Southern Hampshire!

Monday, June 20, 2016: The moon is full in the zodiac sign Sagittarius until entering Capricon at 7.55 AM EST.

Element: Earth
Color: Ivory
Incense: Lily (see below for magical uses)


  • A great time for sport and adventure
  • Tackle things that need improvement
  • Plant potatoes and tubers
  • Trim to retard growth

Herbal Magic – Lily

Lily (Lilium sp.) Some are poisonous

Deities: Juno, Kwan Yin, Nepthys, Venus

Planet: Moon (Fertility, Healing, Peace, Prophetic Dreams)

Element: Water (Fidelity, Friendship, Healing, Love, Meditation, Prophetic Dreams, Purification, Sleep)

Powers: Breaking Love Spells, Protection

Lilies are associated with a fertility goddesses in some Mediterranean religions. In some Christian lore the white lily is associated with Mary and a symbol of purity. It is also believed the lily came from the tears of Eve when she was banished from the Garden of Eden.

Magical and Ritual Uses:

  • A fresh lily can be worn to break love spells.
  • Plant lilies in the garden for protection against ghosts and evil.
  • Protects against the evil eye and unwanted visitors.


Honey Moon on the Solstice: It hasn’t happened since 1948
It’s rare, all right. A full Moon last landed smack on the Solstice in the 1940s. It’s the kind of thing that would have inspired the Mayans to shove a few extra in-laws from their pyramids – the sort of coincidence that would have made the Stonehenge folks haul additional stones into position. But that’s what’s actually happening this Monday, June 20. Read full storyhudsonvalleyalmanacweekly

Solstice: Don’t expect much sun as Druids and Pagans head to Stonehenge to mark first day of summer
While isolated showers should fade away during this evening, much of the UK will then be dry overnight with clear spells.

Northern Ireland and western Scotland will experience outbreaks of light rain later today.

And the south-east of England will also hold onto a lot of cloud, some areas thick enough to give a few spots of rain. Read full

Summer solstice 2016: Everything you need to know about the longest day of the year
Summer heat has been in full swing across much of the country the last few weeks, but not until Monday’s summer solstice can we officially — or at least, astronomically — say goodbye to spring.

The 2016 solstice occurs at 6:34 p.m. Eastern Time on June 20, marking the first day of astronomical summer and the longest day of the year in Earth’s northern hemisphere. Read full

Thanks for stopping by,



  • Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac
  • Llewellyn’s 2016 Moon Sign Book: Conseious Living by the cycles of the moon
  • Scott Cunningham: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of magical herbs

The Witchy Moon, Magic, and News

Friday, June 3rd, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016: The moon phase is fourth quarter (waxing), it falls under the zodiac sign Taurus until entering Gemini  at 11:01 PM EST.


  • Mow lawn, destroy weeds, and pests
  • Harvest fruit and root crops

Element: Air
Color: Pink
Incense: Thyme

Herbal Magic – Thyme

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Folk Names: Common Thyme, Garden

Powers: Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage

Photo by H Flannery

Thyme is a perennial shrub, and a member of the mint family. With over a hundred varieties, the most common being garden and lemon Thyme.

The Greeks used Thyme “to make a burnt offering.”  In the Middle Ages, Europeans placed it under pillows to promote sleep and ward off nightmares. Women would also give the leaves to knights to bring courage. Thyme was also placed on coffins and burned as incense during funerals to send one into the next life.

Deities: Ares, Fairies, Mars

Gender: Feminine

Element: Water (Dreams, Fidelity, Friendships, Healing, Love, Meditation, Prophetic Dreams, Purification, Sleep)

Planet: Venus (Beauty, Fidelity, Friendships, Good Fortune, Love, Money, youth)

Magical and Ritual Uses:

  • To stop nightmares or have prophetic dreams: Place beneath your pillow, or burn on charcoal and take in the aroma. (it is also great for meditation)
  • For Money: Plant THYME in the garden. Fold a dollar bill around THYME leaves, then fold again to make a packet, tie it up, and bury it on a full moon at the middle of a crossroads.
  • Growing various types of THYME: Encourages the devas to be lively.
  • To see Fairies: Carry in an amulet or sachet.
  • Money-Protection: Combine THYME, MINT, and BAYBERRY.
  • For purification: Burn prior to a ritual to cleanse the area. In spring, make a cleansing bath composed of MARJORAM and THYME to ensure all the sorrows and ills of the past are removed.
  • THYME is also carried and smelled to give courage and energy.
  • For good health: Thyme is burned or worn in an amulet. It is excellent in healing spells.
  • It is also used to communicate with friends and relatives who have passed.  THYME can be most useful on SAMHAIN.


The Conjuring 2: Movie Review
Between the fantastic talent of and chemistry between Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, and the vision of James Wan, The Conjuring 2 demonstrates incredible potential for the emerging franchise. Real full story –


First shamanism museum opens in Seoul
South Korea’s first shamanism museum, located at Geumseongdang Shrine, opened its doors in Eunpyeong-gu, northwestern Seoul last week.

The shrine, close in style to the traditional Korean house, or hanok, was founded to appease the spirit of Prince Geumseong (1426-1457), who was ordered a lethal dose of poison upon charges of trying to reinstate the deposed King Danjong. Read full story -



  • Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac
  • Llewellyn’s 2016 Moon Sign Book: Conseious Living by the cycles of the moon
  • Catherine Yronwode: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic
  • Paul Beyerl: A Compendium of Herbal Magick
  • Paul Huson: Mastering Herbalism: A Practical Guide
  • Scott Cunningham: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of magical herbs

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed weekend!


Medicinal Monday – Yoga (Self Healing Techniques)

Monday, August 12th, 2013


Have you ever taken a few brief moments to breathe deeply or gently stretch your body? Then you actually practiced some natural yoga. Yoga originates from ancient East Indian philosophies and is more than 6000 years old. It can alter consciousness in its pure form. Originally, the goals of yoga were the liberation of the body from earthly desires, as well as cleansing and quieting of the mind. Yoga is a primary source of all mind body fitness programs, it’s a discipline unifying mind, body and spirit.  Hatha yoga (yoga for strength) is most commonly practiced today. It consists of a combination of body postures, gentle stretching, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation techniques. This helps to balance and attune opposing energy forces in the body generating improved health, well being and inner peace.

The eight paths:
The body, mind, and soul gradually transforms and generates a new strength. The consistent practice of yoga is said to give you greater health and wisdom. Yoga follows 8 guidelines summarized in the 8 paths:

  • Yama – correct moral code, ethical standards and sense of integrity
  • Niyama – self discipline and spiritual observances
  • Asana – postures
  • Pranayama – breathing, connection between the breath, the mind, and the emotions
  • Pratahara – moving inward toward the self, direct attention internally
  • Dharana – concentration
  • Dhyana – meditation, a state of stillness
  • Samadhi – being one with the universe, fulfillment, bliss, ecstasy

The treatment:

  • Begin postures with proper breathing and relaxation techniques.
  • There are more than 80 basic postures, which are held from a few seconds to several minutes.
  • Begin the exercises cautiously and consistently, stretch until you reach a comfortable limit.


  • You will notice surprising changes in yourself if you practice yoga regularly, even after a short period of time.
  • Yoga strengthens mental and spiritual balance.
  • You will become more content and composed.
  • It will help you to cope better with daily demands, stress, and worries will recede.

Yogic breathing:

  • Regular, relaxed deep breathing plays an important role in the effectiveness of yoga postures. Life energy is taken into the body along with the breath, according to ancient yoga texts. This energy reaches all regions of the body, giving them strength. Life energy flows through the body of a well composed, healthy human. You may feel sick if this flow is obstructed. Yoga postures remove obstructions, enhancing energy, well being, and inner peace are restored.
  • The best time to practice yoga are in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner.
  • Yoga is effective for alleviating muscle tension, joint problems, chronic pain, nervousness, anxiety and sleep disorders, as well as strengthening the body, mind and spirit, and promoting spiritual balance and focus.

Types of Yoga:

  • The best type of yoga can be determined with the help of a certified instructor. Classes can generally be found in fitness centers or schools.

Hatha Yoga:

  • Hatha yoga is great for beginners. It is slow-paced, gentle, and focused on postures, breathing, and meditation. Some teachers of this technique focus on physical poses while others concentrate more on relaxation, breathing and meditation. It relieves stress, provides physical exercise, and improves breathing.


  • Vinyasa is much like Hatha, it covers basic poses and breath-synchronized movement. This variety of Hatha yoga emphasizes on the Sun Salutation, a series of 12 poses where movement is matched to the breath. It helps improve strength and flexibility, tones the abdominal muscles, and reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes

Raja Yoga:

  • Raja is more meditative, focusing less on strength. Its objective is to further one’s acquaintance with reality, and achieve awakening, and eventually enlightenment

Ashtanga yoga:

  • Ashtanga is a form of yoga combines both the physical and cognitive elements. It’s fast-paced and intense with lunges and push-ups, and considered a form of power yoga. Great for relieving stress, improves coordination, and helps with weight loss.


  • Bikram, also known as hot yoga, is practiced in a 95 to 100 degree room. It’s typically a series of 26 poses that allows for a loosening of tight muscles and sweating. It speeds up recovery from an injury, enhances flexibility, and cleanses the body.

Kundalini and Tantra Yoga:

  • Kundalini and Tantra yoga focus on activating the energy centers of the body called chakras.

Hatha yoga positions:

Diamond sitting position:

  • This position may be used for meditation exercises, it also improves poor circulation in the feet and lower legs, stimulates digestion and combats tension and sleep problems.
  • Kneel on the floor with knees close together, slowly sit back on your heels.
  • Stretch your upper body erect and place your hands on your knees and close your eyes.
  • Holding the posture, slowly take several deep breaths in and out, focusing on the steady rise and fall of your abdomen.

Tree position

  • The tree position loosens shoulders and promotes balance.
  • Stand with feet slightly apart and facing forward.
  • Breathe in, place the flat of your right foot against your left inner thigh. Breathe naturally.
  • Slowly raise your arms over your head, palms together, and stretch them straight up.
  • Hold the stretch as you breathe in. As you breathe out, lower arms and leg. Repeat on the other side.


  • The Complete Guide To Natural Healing
Note: Consult with a Physician or certified yoga instructor before trying the above exercises. The information is not intended as medical advice. is not liable for the misuse of the activities listed above.

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday’s Food For Thought – Hummus

Friday, August 9th, 2013


Photo by Creative Commons


  • One 15-ounce can (425 grams) chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans
  • 1/4 cup (59 ml) fresh lemon juice, about 1 large lemon
  • 1/4 cup (59 ml) tahini (we used Krinos)
  • Half of a large garlic clove, minced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for serving
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon kosher salt, depending on taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons water
  • Dash of ground paprika for serving


  • In a bowl or a food processor, combine tahini and lemon juice. Process for 1 minute. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl, then turn on and process for 30 seconds. This extra time helps “whip” or “cream” the tahini, making smooth and creamy hummus possible.
  • Add the olive oil, minced garlic, cumin and the salt to whipped tahini and lemon juice. Process for 30 seconds, scrape sides and bottom of bowl, then process another 30 seconds.
  • Open can of chickpeas, drain liquid, then rinse well with water. Add half of the chickpeas to the food processor, then process for 1 minute. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl, add remaining chickpeas and process for 1 to 2 minutes, or until thick and quite smooth.
  • Most likely the hummus will be too thick or still have tiny bits of chickpea. To fix this, with the food processor turned on, slowly add 2 to 3 tablespoons of water until the consistency is perfect.
  • Scrape the hummus into a bowl and drizzle about 1 tablespoon of olive oil over the top and sprinkle with paprika.
  • Store homemade hummus in an airtight container and refrigerate up to one week.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!


Medicinal Monday – Nutmeg

Monday, August 5th, 2013


Photo by yumievriwan

Nutmeg is indigenous to the Banda Islands in the Moluccas (or Spice Islands) of Indonesia and the tree can grow up to 66 feet tall.  The peach-shaped fruit is known as the nutmeg apple, which is discarded in favor of the aromatic seed inside. The fruit splits when ripe to expose a pecan sized nut wrapped in a bright red “netting” called an aril. The nut and aril are then separated and dried. The nut is nutmeg, the aril (which turns a yellow as it dries) yields the spice mace. Both spices have a long history of use in both Chinese and Indian medicine, nutmeg is more commonly used. Health benefits include; a calming effect, helps to lower blood pressure and soothes digestive upset. It can be mixed with a neutral oil (for use in a massage) to ease joint pain and inflammation.


  • Nutmeg is a fragrant spice.
  • Active ingredients in the essential oil are myristicin, elincin, camphene, geraniol and borneol.
  • It also contains fatty substances, starch, protein and some potassium and calcium.

A warming spice oil:

  • Nutmeg can be found as a whole nut, a ground powder and an essential oil.
  • Its healing properties act on both physical and psychological level.
  • Nutmeg oil strengthens the heart and circulation, stimulates digestion, warms the body and banishes fatigue.
  • For joint pain, add a blend of nutmeg, clove and rosemary essential oils to a diffuser.

Therapeutic Effect:

  • Regular use as a seasoning stimulates the cardiovascular system, promotes concentration, acts as an expectorant, reduces joint inflammation and helps the liver remove toxins.
  • It has a warming effect on the digestive system, reduces indigestion, nausea and vomiting and calms diarrhea.

Nutmeg for diarrhea and upset stomach:

  • Fast relief for diarrhea: dissolve 3 pinches of ground nutmeg in a glass of warm milk. Sip slowly.
  • For stomach upset, add a pinch of nutmeg to peppermint tea or sprinkle nutmeg over 1 tsp. of honey.

For joint inflammation:

  • Regular consumption can relieve joint pain and gout.
  • Put 5-6 drops on a sugar cube, or in 1 tsp of honey.
  • Add the sugar to a cup of warm milk and sip throughout the day.

For toothache:

  • place 1 drop of nutmeg oil on a cotton swab.
  • Apply to the gum area around the tooth.
  • Repeat several times a day.

Kitchen Hints:

  • Pre-packaged ground nutmeg can quickly lose its aroma. It’s best to buy whole nuts and use the fine side of a cheese grater to grind to a powder yourself. Do this shortly before using. Whole nuts keep indefinitely.
  • The nuts dipped in lime milk is a sign of high quality.
  • Nutmeg is an excellent seasoning for cooked vegetables, especially cauliflower, potatoes, spinach and winter squash.
  • It’s also an excellent addition to creamy white sauce, pasta fillings and meat dishes. A familiar flavor in pumpkin pie and eggnog.
  • Nutmeg loses its flavor when heated. Add freshly grated nutmeg toward the end of the cooking process.
  • Limit your alcohol intake when eating foods with a good amount of the spice, The effects of alcohol are intensified by nutmeg.
  • Nutmeg is often used in winter drinks, such as tea and hot apple cider. Sprinkle the spice over the hot drink, it adds flavor and helps soothe colds and bronchitis.
  • Nutmeg works well with cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and black pepper.

Nutmeg cookies:

  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 oz. candled lemon peel
  • 9 oz. ground almonds
  • 1-2 tsp. cornstarch
  • ¼ tsp. grated nutmeg
  • 1 small package graham crackers
  • Lemon cake frosting
  • 2-3 oz. chopped pistachios
  • Preheat the oven to 350 deg F
  • Beat the eggs and sugar until frothy
  • Chop the lemon peel. Stir the peel and almonds into the egg mixture. Add some cornstarch to thicken. Fold the nutmeg into the egg mixture.
  • Shape the dough into walnut sized balls and place each ball on a graham cracker.
  • Bake the cookies for 12-15 mins after they have cooled, spread frosting on them and sprinkle with pistachios


  • The myristicin and elicin in nutmeg can be toxic in large doses. It may hallucinations or cause miscarriages.
  • Don’t use more than 2 tbsp. of ground spice or 10 drops of essential oil per day.


  • The Complete Guide To Natural Healing
Note: Consult with a Physician or certified herbologist if you are seeking medical remedies. The information is not intended as medical advice. is not liable for the misuse of the herb listed above.

Thanks for stopping by!


Medicinal Monday – Sandalwood Oil (Aromatherapy)

Monday, March 18th, 2013

Sandalwood Oil

Photo by  Cinnamon Vogue

In India, Tibet and China, Sandalwood is used to protect religious carvings in temples. The best quality and most expensive comes from India. These trees are are endangered and protected by the government in one province. The oils from Australia and West India are less effective. True Sandalwood oil is complicated to make and becoming rare. The tree should be 40 years old before the oil can be extracted, and it requires up to 55 pounds of wood chips for 1 quart of oil, then distilled for six months.

Therapeutic Effect:

Sandalwood oil is excellent for treating respiratory and minor urinary tract infections. It also counteracts restlessness, anxiety and depression, and is believed to heighten eroticism. The essential oil, has a sweet, balsamic aroma that also repels insects.

In a diffuser, combine sandalwood oil with rose oil for a calming effect:

  • 5 drops sandalwood
  • 3 drops rose absolute

For skin irritations:
The oil helps heal cuts, rashes and eczema.

  • As a massage oil, mix 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil with 5 drops of sandalwood oil.

To release sexual energy:
In a diffuser combine:

  • 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil
  • 2 drops of sandalwood
  • 2 drops of jasmine absolute
  • 2 drops of rosemary oil.

To comfort the the grief stricken:
As a massage oil.

  • 5 drops of sandalwood oil
  • 3 drops of rose-otto oil
  • 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil

In a relaxing and uplifting bath:

  • Add 3 drops of the oil to your bathwater.
  • Relax in the warm water for at least 30 minutes.

To keep tissues elastic:

  • A massage with sandalwood oil mixed into sweet almond oil can help keep the tissues elastic and prevent stretch marks.
  • Be sure to check with a health care practitioner before using during pregnancy.

External application

  • For bronchitis: Add 3 drops of sandalwood oil to 1 gal. of hot water, place a towel over your head and inhale the vapor deeply through your nose and mouth.
  • For bladder inflammation: Mix 8 drops of Sandalwood oil with 4tbsp. of sweet cream, add to a bathtub half filled with water. Stay in sitz bath for 15 minutes. Be sure to rest for 30 minutes after.
  • For a hair dressing: Mix 2 drops of sandalwood oil with 2 tsp. of sweet almond or jojoba oil, you can also add both jasmine and rosemary oils.

Warning: Most essential oils are made up of alcohols, esters, ketones, hydrocarbons, phenols and acids. Sandalwood oil can be toxic if taken internally and in high doses. It can also cause inflammation of the skin and damage to kidney tissue.


  • The Complete Guide To Natural Healing
Note: Consult with a Physician or certified herbologist if you are seeking medical remedies. The information is not intended as medical advice. is not liable for the misuse of the oil listed above.

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